public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag performance


ESI - Full page caching with Symfony2 - Jordi Boggiano

by 1 other
"All I can say to conclude is that this is worth playing with, and that Symfony2 really doesn't disappoint with regard to speed."

PHP Performance

A great talk recently given by Rasmus Lerdorf at the "Hacker Dojo' in San Francisco. Lots of goods inside, particularly around the usage of Hiphop PHP.

CPU limit

cpulimit is a simple program that attempts to limit the cpu usage of a process (expressed in percentage, not in cpu time)

Scaling Lucene and Solr | Enterprise Search support for Apache Lucene and Solr by Lucid Imagination

An interesting article from Lucid Imagination employee Mark Miller about Scaling Solr. It gives a lot of good practices and tips on how to get the best out of one indexing machine, and explains how to use Solr built-in replication system.

Static call versus Singleton call in PHP « Hardcoded

One of the first benchmarks of Hiphop PHP. Where it is said to be 200x times faster than PHP as an Apache module for massive Singleton or Static calls.

PHP compiler performance - PHP Classes blog - PHP Classes

A first benchmark of the main PHP compilers. Where HipHop PHP seems to perform well, but not at a tremendous level as expected. The benchmarked PHP code is only non-object code.


redis - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 4 others, 1 comment
A performant key-value database. A PHP module is available, that lets PHP access to Redis in a performant way.

Extending ltrace to make your Ruby/Python/Perl/PHP apps faster at time to bleed by Joe Damato

Joe Damato has added libdl support in ltrace, which makes tracking down slow queries really easy. Performance performance performance !

sfManagedCachePlugin | Recoursive

The very point of caching is that it's faster and less resource intensive to deliver cached data than creating it on the fly. With existing cache solutions, when the cached data expires, it has to be refreshed while the user waits. In environments that rely heavily on caching, such behavior has the potential to create thread pileups and other cascading failure scenarios. This plugin introduces a cache manager : when an expired âge is called, then it is directly served from the cache, and then the cache gets asynchronously refreshed.

Page Speed

by 3 others
Google releases Page Speed, a YSlow-like firefox extension. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.

showslow - Google Code

Displays data collected by YSlow about websites performance. Might be useful for collecting data from testers during Users Acceptance Tests.

Mental notes to myself » Blog Archive » memcache.php stats like apc.php

by 2 others (via)
A memcache php script that lets you get stats and dump from multiple memcache servers

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » A New Memory Tool for the Web

When the web developer's life will begin to be at a memory level, we'll start seeing disappear crappy web apps. And crappy webdevs.

sfPropelActAsBackupBehavior: Symfony versioning and backup Plugin | Another break in the wall…

A refactor of Tristan's sfPropelActAsVersionnableBehavior is on the road, which should be more performant for large size indexes.

Jet Profiler for MySQL

by 2 others
"Jet Profiler for MySQL is real-time query performance and diagnostics tool for the MySQL database server". I love the Query ratings feature and the live query observation - should replace the weak use of MySQL proxy.

Performance Improvements in Browsers

A complete focus on web browser performance-related questions, from a lot of point of views : javascript, network, painting, caching, client-side database, etc.


Upcoming Browser JavaScript Engine Benchmarks

Internet Explorer 7 scores an abysmal 90522ms. (...) IE8-beta2 scored at 9542ms. But, for reference, in the same virtual environment Firefox "Minefield" was still able to pull off 1873ms. So, as while still no where near as fast as the other guys, IE8 is lightyears ahead of IE7 in its javascript performance.

Jiffy Firefox Extension - Documentation

by 3 others
The Jiffy Firefox Extension adds an additional panel to Firebug that provides a visual view of the Javascript time measurements captured by Jiffy-Web.


by 3 others
Yaws is a HTTP high perfomance 1.1 webserver particularly well suited for dynamic-content webapplications, written in Erlang.


Medieval Programming » Blog Archive » Better Performance patch for Symfony 1.0.x and Propel 1.2

I found the sfBuilders that are responsible for stripping the comments from the generated propel classes and also saw that there is a addIncludes parameter in propel.ini. Lets reuse that and modify the Builders to strip the inline includes and requires. I admit this is a tiny step, but some propel users are desperately searching for performance tweaks (as I am as well) so I hope this could be of use. I send this patch for inclusion in symfony 1.1.

symfony and the .htaccess file at Spindrop

by 1 other
One performance boost that can be garnered from a symfony app (or any app for that matter) is disabling .htaccess.


by 1 other
If you read the MySQL manual you might have seen the ORDER BY RAND() to randomize the the rows and using the LIMIT 1 to just take one of the rows.

Conseils pour l'amélioration des performances InnoDB

by 2 others
Quelques conseils pour améliorer les perfs InnoDB